Public Safety Supply Specialists


Frontline Outfitters™ offers a great section of Watson winter gloves and HWI cut-resistant gloves for Police, Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire and EMS. Proven to be great for the Canadian climate in all seasons.

DLD100 Spectra Lined Duty Gloves
The DLD100 offers a full Spectra® liner for cut-re
Spectra Duty Gloves
The HWI Spectra® lined duty glove offers premium f
HPG100 Puncture Pro Touchscreen Glove by HWI
Innovative Hypodermic Needle Protective Glove with
HWI model WCG100 winter cut glove
Winter Cut Resistant Glove – HWI model WCG100
Hard Knuckle Tactical Gloves
Optimal flexibility, feel and protection.
Gloves, white ceremonial with snap
Parade / Ceremonial Gloves.